Philosophical Warfare
Philosophical Warfare - Phaedrus & Flowkrates - To Jutra & Elementar
I found a very important catalyzer, rap partner and fellow philosopher in Florian Sumnitsch. Together with producer Johannes Stütz they founded their label Philosophical Warfare, and their common adventure has led to several concerts, collaborations, a growing Youtube channel and two albums. None of them would be the rapper that they are without the other, and very unexpected things emerge whenever they conspire.

Talisman der Weiten
"Talisman of the Vastnesses" is the first album by Johannes and Florian (To Jutra and Elementar). They understand themselves as "pioneers" who explore the vastness of the spirit, and the album condenses their reports into a talisman with which the listener can delve into the vastnesses with them. On their journey, To Jutra and Elementar study the "mechanics of the heavens", set sail on the stormy "sea of thought", recognise people as "figures of light", diagnose the "world fire", recreate the world with the "Childlike Empress", practise the "Art of War", attain the "Glory of the Arch-Spitters", find eternity in the perpetual flow of things ("Panta Rhei") guided by "Compass and Grappling Hook", and sense the "Northern Lights on the Morning Front. "
Johannes Wagner, Florian Sumnitsch and Johannes Stütz form the label "Philosophical Warfare". They release their music on their Youtube channel of the same name, which now features 30 tracks, including some artistic music videos. The conscious combination of rap and philosophy proceeds under four guiding principles: (1) rap needs content; (2) everyone has philosophical views in raw form; (3) the task of true philosophy is deep reflection, critical engagement and transformation of those deep-seated views; and (4) rap is an unusually potent medium to playfully combine music and ideas.