butterfly time
Couvert de papillons
l'arbre mort
est in fleur!
Covered by butterflies
the dead tree
in bloom!
Alexandra's last three artistic works are all dedicated to the subject of butterflies. They were created in that time when she already knew that she would only live a short time.
Caught and freed


Majdanek is a place of horror, a Nazi death camp for women and children in particular. Butterflies were found everywhere on the walls of the barracks, where these people spent their final hours. For me that was very impressive. I too was at my “place of horror”. But flowers grew again and butterflies came. I'll soon be one myself. For me it is the sign that life and love are stronger than death and horror, than corruption. That God lifts us out of the most terrible event.

I have seen my beginning and my end.
And that which lies in between.
My whole life was spread out before me.
I beheld my soul,
the heart of my heart,
a warm, flaming space, a place of shelter.
But I also saw the place of my longing,
the place of freedom,
a vast hill country.
I had the vision of my beginning
and my end
and that which lies in between.
I know that God has put Himself in me,
all his love and all his peace.
I am a place of peace and forgiveness.
I know that the stillness is within me,
the glistening and the glow.
I know who I am.
I have seen the vision
of myself,
of my soul.
I don't need to die to find myself.
I no longer need to search for my soul.
I have found what my heart desired.