special guests
Here I want to introduce and give space to people who have influenced and even helped shape my own work and worldview and/or with whom I have an artistic affinity
Rohini Ralphy
Gandalf or Galdriel
I knew Rohini from stories by Johannes. She was his advisor and teacher for many years. I had been suspicious for a moment back then in the beginning, but I found that Johannes was developing well and his horizons were broadening rather than narrowing. And I gathered from his stories that Rohini and I had similar views about God and the world in many areas. I liked her approach to stillness, her interest in mysticism, and we had common ground on child-rearing issues as well. We exchanged greetings from time to time, but I didn't think we would meet face to face.

Uwe Kranner
I met Uwe at the academy and at Café Fotter, we first met by chance, then increasingly on purpose. He stood out as a critical head, shall we say, one already understood that he does not fully agree with everything that is "mainstream" in society and education. Later I got to know his main photographic works. They were photos of pure, almost untouched nature (yes, there is such a thing, you just have to get up very early and then lie in the damp bushes for five hours to see it). The photos were all very good. What appealed to me most was the stillness in which they were created and which resonates in them.

Mira Rosa Dauschan
A rose is a rose is a rose
This frequently quoted sentence comes from a poem by Gertrude Stein. Wikipedia-all-knowing writes: “In that poem, the first "Rose" is the name of a person”. Maybe that's why I wanted to put this sentence at the beginning of my essay about Mira Rosa's photographs, maybe because I just met her in a café whose outdoor dining area is called "Rosengarten". Maybe it's some of her photographs that smell like the unobtrusive, lovely scent of roses, maybe it's a few of the pieces of the puzzle that make up my picture of Mira as a person.